

Blog Archive


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Virtual Flower Garden, So Pretty!

Good morning! Well, a COLD one it is! I actually got up half hour early to make sure the van would start or the kids were taking the bus and would be none to happy about that!! I can't believe they're outside in this, but I guess they're more resiliant than I am! And they are dressed warmly, so they'll be fine. Glad it's not me! I am not a winter person, I don't do well without the sun and especially with this cold!

Yesterday I was checking out some blogs and I came across "Hands, Head and Heart" and Melanie had the neatest link and I would love to share it with you. Today is the perfect day to share it. All you have to do is click here and now put your mouse over the screen and CLICK! Where you click, flowers will grow! You can click or hold the mouse and scroll and create a beautiful virtual garden of your very own! When you first go to the website, your screen will be black and empty, start scrolling and watch it grow!



AaronB said...

That is a cool site. I have bookmarked it for those "stressful" times!
Thanks for posting it!

Karen Wilson said...

Thanks Aaron and thank you for stopping by!! I liked it to and also love to look at it during those 'stressful' and 'bleak' times. Especially this time of year! Glad you enjoyed it!